Advice Lines
Access to advice lines to support volunteers in their role and other issues that can impact on everyday life too.
Legal Assistance
The team can provide consultations with solicitors for a wide range of legal issues including:
Family law matters
Property acquisition and sales
Enduring powers of attorney
Probate law and estate planning
Personal injury claims
Consumer and financial law
Criminal law
Financial advice
The team can provide consultation on a wide range of financial issues including:
Household budgeting and personal spending
Borrowing and debt management
Saving, investing and the possible risks
Life assurance, income replacement and protecting loved ones
Retirement planning
Consumer Assistance
The team can ensure you have the relevant information to help with a variety of consumer issues such as:
Consumer rights and how to safeguard these rights
Guarantees/warranties and deposits
Finance and financial products
Environment and health issues
Career Guidance
The career coaches can help individuals plan their future in the world of:
Career development
Further education
Learning and development
Life Coaching
In the following areas:
Confidence coaching
Presentation skills
Communication skills
Time management and organisation skills